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Make box makers use a non GUI OS

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--- Quote from: Lead Head ---Microsoft will take there OEM lisences away if they put in any other OS besides windows.
EDIT: Welcome to Microsuck:)
--- End quote ---

Unfortunately this is probably true.
If a box maker went ahead doing this without Windows and and was successful with the help of some killer application how would Microsoft counter this competitor, it would be like Microsoft's CE OS against the Palm OS in the PDA market. It doesn't understand the principal that simplicity is sometimes better.
I'm sorry I made a mistake remember the wonderful program EDLINE.


--- Quote from: toadlife ---Close. The answer is actually that consumers don't want this.
--- End quote ---

Consumers don't really "want" anything - it's just given to them, and it is what it is.  If a bunch of OEMs put forth this plan, that would just be what people "want" - perhaps with somewhat of a delay for software companies to catch up.


--- Quote from: Jack2000 ---oh yes and xp "is more stable" ... right
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Yes, NT = XP and yes it is more stable than DOS or Windows 9x which ran on top of it. Under plain DOS the whole system would hand if the CPU executed an invalid instruction, this situation improved slightly under Windows (or in a DPMI program which is run under a DOS extender) alhough there was no propper memory protection so one program could still quite easilly take down the whole OS.

you can add this feature yourself anyway, and if you wanted e.g. windows and fedora, the fedora installer even helps you set up the dual boot (although it didnt work for me)


--- Quote from: toadlife ---Close. The answer is actually that consumers don't want this.
--- End quote ---
Do consumers want DRM?


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