My main beef with MS is their politics and their closed source.
The fact that they force Companies to sale Computers with their OS, or the fact that have taken so many technologies from third parties with out at least giving the appropriate recognition to those companies/research teams. They present things that they didnt create as their own. Then we have their upgrades. What upgrades?
They simply stop improving their current version and they do new things to that version and present it as a new version. And you end up having crap pilling on top of other crap pilling on other older crap. .
To top that, they make you upgrade. Companies are losing alot of money because of that. Long live MS politics.
MANY MANY programs for example that run on WIN98 wont run with WIN2k and WinXP and vise versa. Where is the logic behind that?
Longhorn. Another screwup for the consumer. They will change the OS so much that programs that run with XP will have trouble running with longhorn. Even Bill Gates said that himself at Charlie Rose. I bet you my bottom dollar, MANY MANY MANY programs will not have trouble running with longhorn, because they wont RUN at all.
Closed source. The very fact that you are depended on a bunch of overpaid coders closed in an office is not that appealing to me.
The pace that the open source community fixes bugs and security issues is much faster than MS pace. he reason? You have thousands of coders from all around the world focused on a specific problem, and the best solution takes the lead.
I dont have to pay thousands to accumilate apps that do everyday tasks. Office apps (which in Red Hat at least you have 3-4 to select from, Compilers, Cd burner apps, DVD player apps, apps for day to day administration, such as "Norton Utilities" like apps and so on.
Windows has another thing that craps it out. Its the Registry. The registry can and will be corrupted after some time. Cold reboots, or code that is badly writen will mess up the registry. The registry would be a good tool if Windows was 1000% crash proof, but it isnt. And besides why would you need the registry? The bad outweigh the good.
Security. No Linux is not Virus proof and a Linux user in his right mind will NEVER say that. The thing is though, that Linux is more "tight". The whole structure of it makes it hard for your system to die if you run into trouble like that. Unless you log in as root all the time (which that makes you an idiot by default).
Freedom and flexibility. You are not locked into anything. Think of something to do with Linux and you can do it because of its open source.
Take an I486 and install RedHat8.0. It will run. Take XP in the same machine. Guess what. It will crap. Give me any Windows Version and lets see how many types of filesystems it can read. Linux can read so many that you cant even memorize them.
Create a powerpoint presentation with Open Office and it works with Windows. Make a presentation with Powerpoint and it works with Open Office.
Why? Simply because it saves it in many different file formats and read different formats. I dare you to find me a MS office app that does the same.
You wont.
Windows has the edge on the installation of apps. Click Click Click kazam you are done. This is not a problem though with Linux that is not fixable. Its not a damage to begin with. Its just a matter of polishing it up. Make it more easy. Suse is about to go head on with XP with their next release even in issues like that.
Red Hat 8.0 is a sign of things to come. Just take it for a drive and your jaw will drop to the floor. I can only imagine what they will do with Version 9.0-9.1-9.2-9.3.
The pace of development in Open SOurce is way too fast for MS to keep up.
I am not in favor of MS going down to the drain. To call the developers of MS stupid is not sound. They are smart but the way MS handles its releations with the outside world, will bring them down, because people are getting fed up. And if they go down, they will deserve it.
[ November 11, 2002: Message edited by: bazoukas ]
[ November 11, 2002: Message edited by: bazoukas ]