All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Windows works! Why would i want to change it?

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The Auditor:
hmm, mine doesnt even come close to that use.
I run piles of programs on both OS's.. 2k and Linux Mandrake 9 (however.. still missing my modem drivers   ) and i have nowhere near that useage. however, i have modified my 2k install.
Linux runs smooth though, and far less demanding on my system.

*shrug* just me though.
Good luck with the modem, hope you dont have to go through all i have to.  
The Auditor

Doctor V:

quote:Originally posted by The Auditor:
XP is a pile of shit compared to 2k.. i ran XP for about a month.. then formatted and re-installed 2k.

Eats resources.. and resources effect stability and time.. time is money..

And i got bored.
Sorry.. i hate XP.. and Microsoft..
The Auditor
--- End quote ---

Yes, this valid point proves somthing about human intelligence.  People are in herds buying windows XP, an OS which dispite being less stable, secure, and user-friendly than its predecessor, costs alot more, and on top of this has *product activation*.  A user GAINS NOTHING by using XP over W2K, but LOSES ALOT!  But people are flocking in herds to get XP.  WTF!?!?!?  Are people that easily manipulated by advertizing?  I'm disgusted.


yes they are, i am too.

in answer to the original question:

I guess you could say Im the poor college student who cant afford the microsoft solutions for computing. I wanted to learn about programming, networking, and running a server. The microsoft solution would have required $3000 in software. Fortunately I was able to buy Mandrake 8.2 for $30, much better for a students budget.

The Auditor:
the reason that Microsoft does dominate the market however, is because it does advertise ease of use..
Have you ever noticed how most of the "dummies" series of books on how to do various tasks witha  computer are aimed at windows platform?
Also, have you ever noticed how Windows makes a big deal about talking to other OS's?
very smart in a way, but very frustrating in another. a windows box has trouble talking to older versions of itself for gods sake!
windows was in a way smart to do that, it meant that other OS's had to make it compatible for their protocols to talk to Windows, while windows sat back and crashed.

i find windows networking to be one of the most infuriating areas of computing ive ever worked in though... So don't mind me    

The Auditor
Long Live Lun*x!

[ November 13, 2002: Message edited by: The Auditor ]


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