All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows works! Why would i want to change it?
quote:Originally posted by Refalm:
Windows XP - Tries to make computers look like Fisher Price
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I'm starting to think that Fisher Price must have raped some of you at an early age.
The Auditor:
I dont like Fisher.. OR Price.
The Auditor
quote:Originally posted by Happy XP User:
Windows works. Whay would I want to change it? I'm not saying Linux is bad or anything, it just that out of the hundreds of people I know, not one plays with Linux. But for me it comes down to the simple fact that when XP is installed everything seems to work just fine. A few small gripes, like I wish it would boot up faster etc. But the main thing is that it does what i want without problems. If you agree, just post here!
(fire extinguisher at the ready)
--- End quote ---
Cause we are elitists hazkors, with supa powas. Our IQues ara way joo up high fo joo. We will analocolize Marsos planets and have bi girls riding us all eons on.
The Auditor:
Dribble Dribble, something about being a "l33t" hacker..
something about how no real hackers write like that after people started taking it seriously..
Something something
Format C:/windows /y
Thankyou, Have a nice Linux.
The Auditor
ahh you need to see the web page to understand ze humor in it or lack of it.
I belive quirk gave it to me.
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