All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Windows works! Why would i want to change it?

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The Auditor:
i see..
Apologies if that seemed insulting, had no intent to be.

The Auditor

fuck you auditur!!! I iz 133t!!!!!! I will DOS you noowwwwwwwww!!!  ;)


quote:Originally posted by emh:
1.  I can't afford to buy a new computer right now, which I pretty much would have had to do if I bought XP.  My specs are 500 Mhz AMD K6-2 processor, 192 MB of Ram, 20 gig harddrive.  Can XP user or Zombie tell me that XP would run on my computer?

--- End quote ---

yeah? heh (yes im ashamed) well my shitty little laptop has a 599 Mhz processor and all other specs are the same as yours only i have about 1/4 the hard drive you do, xp works fine for me. well, ofcourse it dosnt work as well as if i had an absolute beast of a computer (which im getting in 2 days btw  :D ), cos i have to disable a few features (like the gay rectangle selection box which is fuckin gay and slows the shit out of my pc) but it works fine otherwise... dont get me wrong, i hate microsoft, i only use windows xp cos it looks nice (by that i mean the cleartype shit they do, but thats only cos i have an LCD, i might be changing my mind when i get a CRT) and the smooth as icons. heh and beleive me, microsoft didnt get any money from me when i bought this, they dont deserve it.

whoopies, did i say bought? i didnt biuy jack ass shit from M$

whoopies, i made it sound like i was pirating the shit.... nah, i got the school to install it in place of Windows Me


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