All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
Philanthropist, My Ass
Bill Gates' whiny condemnation of a new $100 laptop developed by MIT for people in "third world" nations has earned the SOB a lot of deservedly bad press. I'm glad people are beginning to see what I've been saying for years: Bill Gates is NOT a philanthropist.
"Bill Gates is an asshole."
"Shame on you Bill."
Well, if the screens really are kind of crappy, I would be complaining too. And yes, it's probably a given that he's criticizing this because Google is backing it (and it runs Linux). On the plus side the 100$ system would probably beat having nothing.
This is interesting:
"In addition, Microsoft's antipiracy-minded Steve Ballmer last year called for a move toward the $100 PC for developing nations."
Also, these 100$ laptops might have "IEEE 802.11b" support, which would make them "internet capable" @ Bill Gates.
The man has done some good things, but it's interesting how you sort of reminded me that yes, he's the same guy that had/has that wonderful monopoly...
EDIT: Although off-subject, AMD who will be providing the processor for the 100$ laptop, is working on a 185$ computer of their own, as an attempt to "equip 50 percent of the world's population with Internet connectivity and computing capabilities by 2015". It runs Windows CE though. Even if it's a customized version of CE like they say it will be, I do wonder how they're going to make it... "not suck". Why did AMD choose CE again?
AMD's Personal Internet Computer ($185)
Yeah, Bill's a dick. He's letting that "man of the year" crap go to his head... now he thinks he can belittle everyone elses efforts to help people without a lot of money.
"The last thing you want to do for a shared use computer is have it be something without a disk ... and with a tiny little screen"
Gee... lets put a disk on it, increasing cost and, more importantly the power consumption, immensely, and making it shock sensitive, dust sensitive, heat sensitive, and software breakable (even Linux can be messed up with rm -rf /). Oh yeah, that bigger display is also going to raise the price and power consumption.
If Bill Gates can make a better $100 laptop for the target audience (without it being a loss leader, like the X-Box), fine. Until then he should just STFU.
Bill just had the right attitude and the right product at the right time and built on it. Hes never been special.
No real computer geek would dismiss linux like he does, hes a business man now hes just after the money...
I don't know why he bothers, hes got more money than he could ever need he only continues his work to promote windows cause its his baby and thus its success boosts his ego.
I fully agree with this artical apart from the Linux zealotism part.
And what should they expect for $100 a top of the range crystal clear screen? :rolleyes:
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