All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

Philanthropist, My Ass

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--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---Depends on the type of package. Autopackages, I believe, can be installed anywhere. Same with the binary package system I'm working on (which is alot like autopackage).
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The Ubuntu, Redhat or Vector Linux installation programs never gave me an option but yes some software I installed afterwards did.

--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---Too bad your OS is just one big kludge created and marketed by a monopoly with only money in mind.
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What FreeDOS, DR-DOS, BeOS?

Oh Windows, well that isn't my OS, it's Bill Gates' and Steve Ballmer's.

--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---He was talking about GNU/Linux, which is what the 100$ laptop will run. GNU/Linux doesn't have much malware floating about. It generally runs very stable, and has lots of different choices for window manager etc., so it'll be stable and fast on even old hardware, or newer 100$ hardware.
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But it isn't the only operating system that will run on old/cheap hardware and it probably isn't the best for every purpose either.


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---The Ubuntu, Redhat or Vector Linux installation programs never gave me an option
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Good thing they're not the only choices you have when it comes to installing programs on GNU/Linux.

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What FreeDOS, DR-DOS, BeOS?

Oh Windows, well that isn't my OS, it's Bill Gates' and Steve Ballmer's.
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Interesting. Since when did you own BeOS?

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But it isn't the only operating system that will run on old/cheap hardware
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So what, it's what the 100$ laptop people decided it would run, at least by default.

--- Quote ---and it probably isn't the best for every purpose either.
--- End quote ---
The sky is falling.


--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---Good thing they're not the only choices you have when it comes to installing programs on GNU/Linux.
--- End quote ---

Could you suggest something better then?

--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---Interesting. Since when did you own BeOS?
--- End quote ---

I don't, you're just being pedantic.

--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---So what, it's what the 100$ laptop people decided it would run, at least by default.
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And it's a good choice too.

--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---The sky is falling.
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--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---Could you suggest something better then?
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Autopackage, and what I do (compile from source). Hell I don't even know if RPM and deb can do it. Probably with source RPMs...

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I don't, you're just being pedantic.
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And you weren't?

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Where'd ya get that from? I was being sarcastic. "and it probably isn't the best for every purpose either" - I mean, WTF?



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