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I could use a little help.

(1/2) > >>

Okay, maybe a lot, but still. :x

The people over at the ubuntu forums either don't care, or don't know how, so let's see how it works here.

I can't network OS X to ubuntu and vice versa at all.  (I have a lynkys router and such)

I've tried about every combo I could think of, enabling every port it could possibly use on OS X and firestarter. (I've also tried it without the firewall.) And I keep getting asked for my password to log in. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v1...Screenshot.png

I've tried everything I could think of..any ideas?

This is probably a sign for me to actually learn how to use Linux, but oh well.

If they're both on the network (i.e. can 'see' (ping) the same router), you should be able to ping eachother.

Is sharing files what you want to do? Probably easier to do that with NFS if there's no Windows systems involved. Setup file sharing on Mac OS X in preferences (has it's own whole little dialog) and setup NFS on Ubuntu, then setup your shares and mount them from the other computers.

If you want Windows computers to be able to join in the fun, NFS won't work. It's too standard for Windows. For that, you would need to use Samba on Ubuntu and Mac OS X.

There's plenty of documentation about NFS and Samba on the web. We're still here if you need help, though.

EDIT: That screenshot was removed... Can you upload it again?

Sure thing. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/ChaosMeowth/Screenshot.png

*edit* Yeah, I want to share files. :P

Well, this is pretty much my first time doing this kind of thing, so would you mind pointing me in the right direction to set up NFS and mount the shares on OS X and Ubuntu?

 I really don't need to have it windows compatiable, so NFS sounds good to me.

Thanks a lot.

If that link doesn't work,

Sorry for the double post before hand. >:\

Well, I went ahead and tried to use Samba. (Couldn't find a guide on how to set up NFS.)

I tried using this http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Networking/File_sharing_with_OS_X_using_Ubuntu_5_04

But it seems it doesn't want to work. I've made sure to enable sharing and such on the folder I want to share, but for some reason OS X doesn't want to connect.

(I guess changing the default hostname might have something to do with it?)

I dunno.. I'd disable any firewalls and look for the Ubuntu shares in the Network folder in Finder. But it's been a while since I used OS X to share files...


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