Author Topic: Rise of the police state  (Read 801 times)


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Rise of the police state
« on: 1 April 2006, 05:49 »
A must see for WTC collapse:



Also found on:

P.S. Sorry I couldn't find the other similar thread, the only one I found is ancient, it's not as effective when you rez old threads
« Last Edit: 6 April 2006, 00:46 by H_TeXMeX_H »


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Re: Rise of the police state
« Reply #1 on: 1 April 2006, 21:31 »
Ah, yes, people are finally starting to speak out about the 9/11 scandal, especially since Charlie Sheen spoke out. Of course, we're going to hear the usual 'conspiracy theory' ad hominems from the usual idiots. :rolleyes:

Clearly, the Western world is shifting towards authoritarianism. It's been going on in the United States, but also in Britain, where they want to pass a bill that would give ministers the right to change any law without consultation of Parliament, and in Australia where they passed an anti-terrorism bill that could get you imprisoned for seven years for criticising the government.

And now Canada elected Stephen Harper, another Bushist neocon. Thankfully he has a minority government, but I hope he doesn't do too much damage.
« Last Edit: 1 April 2006, 21:44 by Laukev7 »