Goddamnit microsoft! This can't be right. GDI+ has its own unicode script processor and doesn't use Uniscribe to do its work. Why in the name of Eris does it do this?!
So, I just want to render some text. I'm using richedit as an editbox and displaying in a GDI+ rendered control. Turns out, the two render same string completely differently when there's some funny content in the string.
It looks like I'll have to do my text rendering using Uniscribe and GDI while the rest of the application renders itself with GDI+. Otherwise I'll have internal inconsistencies.
So, the GDI+ text rendering api is WORTHLESS, goddamn fscking WORTHLESS. Why was it implemented in the first place? Is unicode script processor really such a small thing that it gets reimplemented by microsoft on a daily basis or something? WTF? ASDFSLDFJLKDSFJGLKDJFLGKDJFLGK!L!J!!!!!!