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Bill Gates interview on Longhorn - funny and informative

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My favorite parts:

quote:Bill Gates:
That's right. It's integrated innovation. There's this constant trend that, as you are seeing things that many applications are needing to do and getting standards for how those things are done--those things move into the platform.
--- End quote ---

Integrated innovation?? Didn't they steal every feature in Windows from Mac and Linux???

quote:Now that we are moving to this Web services world--a loosely coupled, message-based breakthrough that computer scientists have dreamed of for decades--all of the things that let that be possible need to be in the $50 operating system.
--- End quote ---

Longhorn will cost $50???   :confused:   Someone needs to explain that to me. I think I'm reading it wrong.

quote:There's a general attitude now to not see that we will be delivering more software advances and productivity in this decade than we did in the last.
--- End quote ---

That's not only a general attitude. I'd say its a common prayer to God among the computer science community and the informed public to see you burn in hell this decade and be forgotten by the next. I think the actions taken by many governments this year prove that.

quote:What Microsoft can do, because of our high-volume, low-price model, is put innovations in the software that not only simplify software development but reduce management costs, security add-on costs, directory management costs that an IT department has.
--- End quote ---

Billy, can you PLEASE stop using the word innovation in every other sentence of every interview you give.

quote:So our paradigm is very much that through software innovation, we simplify things that they are doing today;
--- End quote ---

See last comment.

quote:we surprise them by being able to simplify things
--- End quote ---

I think he meant to say "we don't really surprise anyone with our ability to fuck things up."

quote:On the firewall side, we have articulated exactly how we are going to make that easy to audit and do super well. Our challenge is that because of the density of our systems,
--- End quote ---

Finally, we agree on something! Yes, Bill, your operating system, your company, and you yourself are very dense!

quote:We're announcing here that our Office group will do a version of Office that requires Longhorn
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So Bill Gates just admitted that M$ will force people to buy Longhorn to use the newest Office in the future. Any surprises?   :rolleyes:  

quote:We have built a compatible operating system. That's one of the things that Microsoft does.
--- End quote ---

No comment   :eek:  

quote:think the idea that your address book should be usable by other applications, that your calendar should be accessible by other applications--that is a big part of Longhorn
--- End quote --- if MS Word crashes while using my address book, not only is my document gone but my contacts are now fucked up too. Jolly!

His Gatesness:
Now that we are moving to this Web services world--a loosely coupled, message-based breakthrough that computer scientists have dreamed of for decades--all of the things that let that be possible need to be in the $50 operating system. And so here we have Indigo, which will be in Windows and let you do transactions and queuing.

--- End quote ---

WTF?(!)    :eek:  

Here are some prices I pulled off
Windows XP (Home): $96.99
Windows XP (Pro):  $179.99

SuSE (Home): $36.99
SuSE (Pro): $64.99

Red Hat (Home): $34.99

Considering that you can also get Linux distros from outfits like Edmunds Enterprises for $0.99. Or go to Linux Central (no distro over $12.00, and most under $10.00, I'd say $50.00 is somewhat high for an OS. Furthermore, Linux (even if you buy them) is a helluva lot less than His Gatesness' lowest priced offering.    

So I ask again: WTF is His Gatesness talking about here?   :confused:

His Gatesness:
If you want a thin client, we have that with Windows terminal server, and Longhorn will have terminal server capabilities so that you can project out the Longhorn richness onto thin clients.

--- End quote ---

X has had that capability from the get-go  :rolleyes:  Such an innovative company.  
Live Free or Die: Linux

"There: now you'll never have to look at those dirty Windows anymore"
      --Daffy Duck

[ October 31, 2003: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]

Gates considers 2gigs as thin, so no problem.

They're trying to integrate everything, so every application is actually a part of Longhorn.

It wil fail, just the way of "their" idea to build a GUI on top of DOS. It was a good idea, but they screwed it up.


With everything intergrated.  A virous that used to infect all your system files, will now infect EVERY part of your system.

In other words.  For every infection, you might as well go out and get a whole new PC and start over from scratch.

I can see a lot of longwhore machines pilling up in the weekly trash!


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