Author Topic: Linux pre-intalled  (Read 1986 times)


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Re: Linux pre-intalled
« Reply #15 on: 27 March 2006, 06:05 »
No, I didn't leave the word "Microsoft" out.  You guys are missing the point.

The contracts with MS said the Dells had to have an Operating System on it.  People didn't want Windows on their new Dell PCs?  Well they could get them with FreeDOS.   It was a loophole.

Why FreeDOS and not Linux?  The speculation was that Dell didn't want to support Linux, so people could buy their FreeDOS computers, then load Linux or BeOS or FreeBSD or whathaveyou on there themselves.

The FreeDOS did work though :)
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Re: Linux pre-intalled
« Reply #16 on: 27 March 2006, 09:15 »
Well, the FreeDOS thing is they did was awesome.
Also, Dell does use Linux on their remote control software (which is amazing).