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Which browser should I switch to?

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my vote goes for firebird. if you want a good mail client, check out the matching email app, Minotaur.

opera...if not opera, mozilla

Mozilla kicks IE's ass  :D

Mozilla dude, the brower ROCKS! i tell you  why rocks because i use to think  MOZILLA didn't render webpage correctly and no webmaster didn't support it or i couldn't check my credit card,bank statment online and other stuff.. but when i give it a try for whole day i fell in  love with it, i can't live without it or can't use microshit without it. it off  has alot good feature (no there're not useless feature)
2. has pop up killer - IE eat your heart out
3.fuck it! discover it for your self has to much feature to explain

just give a try

[ July 27, 2003: Message edited by: mc0282 ]

Hi, it's my first post here. :)
Mozilla is an excelent browser, you should definitely download it ( Firebird is lite Mozilla (it doesn't have all the features). Opera is also very nice but it's not open source and has advertisement banners. I think you should download both Mozilla and Opera.
Try Linux as well. You can dual boot. You don't need to use Linux all the time. Just get acquainted with Gimp and other open source apps. Maybe one day you'll find you don't need Windows anymore.


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