All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Conversion isnt for everyone


1) A guy who types "I wanna see my neighbors naked" into a search engine. He obviously doesn't know how to use a search engine right, and chances are doesn't care or he thinks using it the right way is hard. (See 6, its better, trust me)
2) If it has fancy graphics and complicated (bloatware) programs, then that means there must be a lot to it and its a good operating system and it hardly ever crashes. You may think this person is agreeable, but they also are stupid. If you don't need it and NEVER will use it, why do you have it installed, or why are they forced to install it?  Hardly ever crashes eh? What about memory leaks, bad programming unexposed thanks to closed source (THE TASKBAR IS OVERFLOWING WITH BUGS, not literally "overflowing" though), and 1000s of security holes which leave you right open. Its about functionality, not about the graphics. YOU ARE WHATS WRONG WITH A LOT OF TODAYS GAME DEVELOPERS. All flash, all trash.
3) I've used ms-dos and windows my entire life, and I don't feel safe switching to another OS? WHY THE HELL DO YOU FEEL SAFE RUNNING WINDOWS /W ALL THE UNPATCHED EXPLOITS, VIRUSES AND TROJANS THAT PLAGUE WinPCs? But then again, what's so safe about linux or a mac? Is open-source a false sense of security? Lots of systems run unix-based servers and you dont see way as many problems do you? Compare the track records..  Sometimes you are rewarded for jumping out of the safety bubble, with valuable knowledge that will help you get things done more productivly and quickly.
4) I want my pc games? WTF is wrong with you.. Get a PS2, Gameboy advance, or *shudder* Gamecube. XBOXs are game PCs and they kinda suck. Stop complaining about your games. Run them on video game systems where they are faster and can do more than your average winpc (with the exception of xboxes which are jokes compared to other game consoles). Games like solitare and rattler's revenge are availible free on MAC and LINUX platforms. There are also lots of emulators availible for lots of other OSs.
5) I program in VB. I need to be able to code in my new os and I cant if I switch. Expand your mind with C/C++ (even Java would work). You probably don't know as much as you could about programming, trust me... I used to only know VB myself. (I DIDNT HAVE A CLUE ABOUT OOP or Pointers, lots of winapi I didn't understand) ActiveX controls are for babies and since they are binary and proprietary, beware of the trojan code. VB requires runtimes, .NET doesnt but who wants to use .NET, honestly, just more bloatware. If you disagree and want to remain dependent on VB, you are trapped in a safety bubble or you aren't serious about programming, one or the other.
6) "Son, im looking at the screen and these two files are da same". One has a word icon, and the other has a powerpoint icon, You are like the people who think double clicking is pressing both mouse buttons.. You shouldn't even be using Windows or a computer. Do yourself a favor, and get some computer books. You will thank yourself a thousand times when you discover all the things that you can do and can't do.
7) Windowz Rockz, Unix is obsolete? Windows doesn't rock, it's your stupid games and software.. Windows is actually rather ugly, and uncustomizable. You believe in windows and dont care that its buggy, in fact, that statement probably offened you. Live in the real world. Everyone has faults and so do operating systems. Guess what, windows steals alot of its stuff from other oses (lots of oses do this, whats the point? ms doesn't innovate without stealing other peoples intellectual property), so chances are everything you want is on another os, the zeta beta looks like it kicks ass, tabbed caption bars, awesome interface. Honestly, if Longhorn has the same crap, I bet that'll do it for some people. Anyways: UNIX BASED OSES AREN'T SO OBSOLETE, OR ELSE PEOPLE WOULDNT BE RUNNING THEM SO MUCH. Windows sockets are based off FreeBSD, thats right.. Microsoft products are ripoffs of other products (it's said over and over and over), and you are supporting this crime by using it.
8) I paid for windows, and im not just gonna throw it out. GOOD JOB MORON, thanks for supporting microsofts crimes by buying a crappy ripoff os. Its not my fault you throw your hard-earned money into the toilet. (and if you were my child, you would find all your crap packed in suitcase on the doorstep when you got home until you paid me back for wasting my money)
9) Linux doesn't have enough software nor does mac. You have no idea how wrong that is.. (WHY DO SO MANY PEOPLE USE IT THEN, PEOPLE WOULDNT USE IT IF WHAT YOU SAID WERE TRUE, WHY ARE THE MOST RESPECTED PROGRAMMERS TYPICALLY THE UNIX\LINUX ONES O.o) Quality vs. Quanity is another issue. Who needs 1000s of copycat programs (trojans, spyware, etc) written in visual basic anyways.
10) I am afraid of computers. guess what, get a MAC and take some classes. You will be fine probably. You haven't used windows much probably, so you haven't had time to get used to it.
11) DUDE, EVERY COMPANY STEALS, ITS ABOUT THE SUPERIER PRODUCT? Lololol.... shoot yourself if you think microsofts products are superier. I think you would have learned something from MSIE, BSODS, Frontpage, Office 97 and 2000, or Visual Studio. (lets not forget the supierer-ness of windows 3.1, 95, 98, ME, or 2k. XD). I will give the programmers at MS who actually write code some credit, but I do have to wonder why they work there. (anyone know how much MS pays?)
12) Only Star-trek geeks use that crap. Nice stereotype mr or ms popularity.. if my friends use windows, I should, if my friends rape their pets, why not me? I have to mr or ms important. Being a follower can be pretty foolish. IE: You make other people richer, not yourself.
13) My name is joe and im 7 and i use windows xp and i dont know much but i use windows xp cuz its my computer and i have word and i have aol and aol is the internet cuz im online with the internet thats aol i like playing on my comput... If you are 7, why are you here? Shame on the parents for being ignorant. (they do clothe you and feed you so I will cut them some slack)
14) People just plain ignorant and blinded by MS.
15) Windows will work for my business because I need technical support and they will give it to me. I honestly have a hard time with this one, NOT! HAH. Windows requires more support because it has more issues. If you have competent IT employees, the support you should need shouldnt ceom from microsoft. BTW, When you come up with counterarguments, be sure to analyze them and be aware they can easily be shot down. Including what i've said. Please take into consideration microsofts business practices. There is something seriously ethically wrong with them.
There is no excuse besides greed, and that's pretty lousy.

ruining perfectly good systems /w windows.  

[ June 22, 2003: Message edited by: anphanax ]

[ June 22, 2003: Message edited by: anphanax ]

Cleaned out any profanity, fixed spelling errors and removed particularly offensive lines and/or rewrote them.

[ June 22, 2003: Message edited by: anphanax ]

I was out of line when I wrote this, and I acknowledge that. (Note: Look at what time it was when I wrote it 5 something AM). And I still use VB myself quite a bit, however I am trying to free myself of it. (thought that counts?). One thing I didn't mention was lazyness. If it doesn't take any effort, why change over to another os that would =\. Actually I feel very hypocritical for saying this after expressing my opinions previously, but hoesntly, there are lots of lazy people. People will do whats easiest for them, not what's best for them.

edit: I cleaned up what I previously posted.

[ June 22, 2003: Message edited by: anphanax ]

I think if Linux PC's were pre-installed on more computers, and I don't mean by mail-order, I mean actually sitting alongside Windows PC's, where people can play with them, people could just as easily use Linux as their main OS.  They're not having to think about anything.  The Internet icon could just be a link to Mozilla.  You could have Word processor, spreadsheet and presentation software links which could lead to Open Office programs.  Etc.

well I guess you went abit crazy. I mean you have to be to be up till 5   :D  

But, I know what you mean, people are very lazzy. Generally people don't like to try new things never mind a different OS! Anyway I'm happy to say that over the weekend I converted 1 person away from M$ and to Apple. Which I thing is a good deal   ;)  

Hes buying his neew ibook as we speak.

Doctor V:
Don't worry about it, considering some of the stupid crap thats been posted here lately, this isn't half bad in compairison.


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