All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
Is your PC ''Vista Capable?''
On it says that microsoft are gonna start putting stickers on new PC's to show if they're gonna be vista compatible or not. Are they not just going to tell us the minimum spec? what do u guys think about this?
Perhaps a direct link would be more helpful:
Especially considering you've never posted before. We've had some - how should I say it - "very bad" experiences with first-time posters posting links to stuff that really isn't it. This one's clean, though.
Anyway, on topic - on MS's website they have a page now that links to AMD, Intel, nVidia, ATI, and a couple others describing what CPUs and GPUs will be certified. My computer, which I built two years ago, barely makes it (in fact, it's pre-500 series P4, so it may not at all, though it would work). Windows "requiring" 512MB RAM...scary thought.
It would be interesting if they had some test site to analyze your specs and see if Vi$ta will run it. But, really, I don't give a fuck cuz I wouldn't use Vi$ta if it were the last OS on the planet.
I'm pretty darned sure the the "vista ready" sticker has absolutely nothing to do with the minium spec.
MS has a history of tying unrelated MS interests to their "certifications."
Remember how software companies had to prove their sofware would run on Windows NT in order to use the "designed for Windows 95" logo?
My guess is the "vista ready" sticker means that the PC will have to have shitloads of hardware based DRM.
--- Quote from: mobrien_12 ---Remember how software companies had to prove their sofware would run on Windows NT in order to use the "designed for Windows 95" logo?
--- End quote ---
That makes no sense, as 95 and NT were completely different OSs.
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