Whic is why some would consider closed source hardware to be evil. 
Not because it makes me cry, but because of
why it makes me cry.
File formats without good, publically available specifications also makes me cry for much the same reason (Microsoft, Macromedia - FUCK YOU. Macromedia as much as MS (in this area. Altogether MS is more evil with the DRM and other copy protection shit), because SWF files are all over the otherwise mostly-ordered world wide web (THANK YOU w3c, mozilla, opera, konqueror, and other good people). And the license on the latest SWF spec's make them useless to writers of 3rd-party SWF interpreters.).
Maybe I should've said it makes me want to SCREAM instead of cry.....
I officially don't want a Mac anymore BTW. In the future I will be trying hard to buy hardware whose developers have released enough documentation, and that'll probably mean choosing every piece of hardware myself, something I can't do with Macs.