Author Topic: OT: What should happen to Moussaoui?  (Read 2109 times)


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OT: What should happen to Moussaoui?
« on: 7 April 2006, 18:05 »
OK, not trying to start a flame war here, but what do you think should be the outcome of the Moussaoui Trial. I just finished reading this, and I firmly think this guy should get strapped to the gurney. I can still remember 9.11 with perfect clarity... :fu: bin Laden.
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Re: OT: What should happen to Moussaoui?
« Reply #1 on: 7 April 2006, 19:55 »
The Moussaoui trial is a complete farce. During his latest testimony, he was alleged by MSNBC to be wearing a stun belt while making confessions that was both completely at odds with his previous testimonies (when he had denied playing a role in the 9/11 attacks) and toed the official line. In addition, he was reported to be mentally unstable and a few months ago they had to make requests to try him on  secret evidence.

This is not a credible trial. This is suspiciously similar to the case of Marinus van der Lubbe following the Reichstag Fire of 1933.

As for the death penalty, that is a barbaric and backwards practice, and also a hypocritical response to the crime committed. With all due respect, I suggest that proponents of the death penalty move into the 21st century.
« Last Edit: 7 April 2006, 20:21 by Laukev7 »


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Re: OT: What should happen to Moussaoui?
« Reply #2 on: 7 April 2006, 20:32 »
After they "interrogate" (daily torture) you for several years ... would you be mentally stable ?

Am I talkin about the right guy ?

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Re: OT: What should happen to Moussaoui?
« Reply #3 on: 8 April 2006, 07:33 »
He may not have been the 20th hijacker, as he's been forced to confess, but he did have some role in 9/11, and for that he should spend the rest of his life in a deep, dark hole with no one and nothing for company.
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Re: OT: What should happen to Moussaoui?
« Reply #4 on: 8 April 2006, 14:10 »
I don't really give a toss. fry'm for all i care. But it would be interesting to see what would happen if they locked him up and then asked him if it was all really worth it 50 years later.


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Re: OT: What should happen to Moussaoui?
« Reply #5 on: 8 April 2006, 16:54 »
Quote from: Annorax
He may not have been the 20th hijacker, as he's been forced to confess, but he did have some role in 9/11, and for that he should spend the rest of his life in a deep, dark hole with no one and nothing for company.
Nah, give him some land to till or some stones to break.
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Re: OT: What should happen to Moussaoui?
« Reply #6 on: 10 April 2006, 22:14 »
I think the death penalty is barbaric so he should rot in prison. As for him being tortuerd or forced to confess, I'm not so sure. From all of the reports I;'ve seen on the trial, the government had a shitty case against him. All of the governments witnesses were torn apart of the stand by the defense attorneys, but Moussaoui, against the advice of his own attorney insisted on testifying and proceeded to proffess his guilt on the stand, all the while mocking the victims of 9/11 in the process.

If Moussaoui would have just STFU, he probably could have gotten off scott free.


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Re: OT: What should happen to Moussaoui?
« Reply #7 on: 10 April 2006, 22:26 »
Quote from: toadlife
If Moussaoui would have just STFU, he probably could have gotten off scott free.

Then I suppose he got what he deserved.


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Re: OT: What should happen to Moussaoui?
« Reply #8 on: 12 April 2006, 00:40 »
I think he should get life. Life rotting in a federal penintentary would be much more agonizing for him than making him have the death penalty for the agonizing life he has given the survivors and the grief he has given to the thousands of families who lost a loved one.
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Re: OT: What should happen to Moussaoui?
« Reply #9 on: 12 April 2006, 09:15 »
Quote from: ReggieMicheals
I think he should get life. Life rotting in a federal penintentary would be much more agonizing for him than making him have the death penalty for the agonizing life he has given the survivors and the grief he has given to the thousands of families who lost a loved one.

I agree. These terrorists actually prefer death panelty. The sooner they can get to those 70 virgins, the better.
Let's not give them that pleasure.
Quote from: Laukev7
This is not a credible trial. This is suspiciously similar to the case of Marinus van der Lubbe following the Reichstag Fire of 1933.

I don't see the connection to the Reichstag feuer. I agree that the US fucked up with the Afghan rebels who eventually turned on the US, but saying that Bush planned 911 is taking it too far out of context.
« Last Edit: 12 April 2006, 09:20 by Refalm »


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Re: OT: What should happen to Moussaoui?
« Reply #10 on: 12 April 2006, 23:59 »
I don't see the connection to the Reichstag feuer. I agree that the US fucked up with the Afghan rebels who eventually turned on the US, but saying that Bush planned 911 is taking it too far out of context.

The point I was making here was not that 9/11 was staged by the US government. What interests me here is Marinus van der Lubbe, who was known to be mentally unstable (like Moussaoui) and to take the blame for things that he did not commit, and was an active communist found at a convenient location. Regardless of whether you believe that 9/11 was staged or not (and there is a wealth of evidence to support that view), it could well be that Moussaoui is a patsy. Many innocent people who are held at Guantanamo Bay have been accused of being terrorists following confessions made under torture. The Bush regime needs to legitimise its war on terror, and they will pin the blame on anyone they can find to justify their agenda.


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Re: OT: What should happen to Moussaoui?
« Reply #11 on: 13 April 2006, 03:22 »
I saw an interview with his flight instructor.

The guy enrolled in flight school out of nowhere.  He had no experience.  He told them he wanted to be able to say he could fly a 747 to imress his friends.   He told an obvious lie about his job (don't remember what it was, but hw would have had to have excellent English to be able to do it, which he didn't).  He walked into the school and paid his entire tuition up front with thousands of dollars of cash.  His instructors were suspicious from the start.

During his first two days of training he asked questions like what circuit breakers would he have to pull to disable the airplanes radio transponder (the thing that makes the aircraft easy to track by air traffic controllers) and how to shut the oxygen flow off to the passenger cabin.  

At that point, both his  instructor and the owner of the school independently decided this guy was a threat and called the FBI before he learned enough to be dangerous.  The instructor told the FBI that the 747 was a big massive aircraft with an enormous amount of jet fuel and could cause a lot of damage if crashed in a populated area.

The FBI was there the next morning.  He was not a rich business man.  He was in the country illegally.  He had ties to terrorist networks.  They locked his ass up.  A few months later, the Pentagon and the Twin Towers were hit.  

This man was no Marinus Van der Lubbe.
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Re: OT: What should happen to Moussaoui?
« Reply #12 on: 13 April 2006, 03:36 »
Marinus van der Lubbe was a known Communist activist, not just an innocent bystander. He had been involved in strikes and arrested before. Like Moussaoui he was known for his lack of experience, and back in those days, communism was the big scare touted by the Nazis in Germany.

The fact that Moussaoui's attempts were so transparent as you describe makes it all the more suspicious that the alleged hijackers were able to pull off the attacks. Either they got a lot of help, or Moussaoui was set up, much like Marinus probably was.

In any case, regardless of one's point of view on 9/11, it is clear that both Marinus and Moussaoui were useful idiots.
« Last Edit: 13 April 2006, 03:52 by Laukev7 »