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What data is being sent of my pc to M$?

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I would live to find a program that can monitor and tell me the text of what has been sent OUT of my computer.  I am very suspicious of all those flashing lights when I am not touching the keyboard.

I have a broadband connection, supposedly with a firewall, but I know nothing about that or whether it is on and safe.  It is just "there" - apparently.  But why do the lights flicker so much.  Is someone, or M$ reading my hard drive?

I upgraded to a brand new 1600 AMD Athlon pc in May and am very happy.  As I live in France, the Op system XP came in French.  "Just buy the English upgrade" said the man.  Which I did.  But when I got it home the MS message refused to install it saying it could not install a different language on the old one.  It would not even let me try a re-format and new install.  After a while I found some codes in the registry relating to laguage, and by changing them to the codes for English, I tried an upgrade again.  This time MS did not notice the op system and upgrade were in different languages and proceeded to give me lots of FINAL WARNINGs, and danger signs before it would "re-format" my hard disk and everything would be lost.  I did not care.  Go for it I shouted as I smashed the format key.  And away it went.  It took ages to format the hard disk, but when it was done, up came the lovely Windows XP logo in English!  But guess what - I now have a dual boot option on start up English or French.  So the format was not a full FDISK format after all.  It merely renamed the French Windows to a new directory "Windows.0".  Since that date I have hardly had one problem.  The only real issue I had was installing the HP PSC950 printer where HP thoughtfully failed to supply an XP disk and offered no uninstall utility to get rid of the Windows 98 installation.  This took me weeks to work out.  But all is working like a dream for a family of four all with our own accounts and user names, e-mail and browser preferences.  

Apart from the well documented privacy issues (deleting browers files and websites does not remove them from the hard disk) I am extremely happy to have upgraded to Windows XP  

I bare witness to the flames coming.

It's well known that MS are collecting *all* of your personal data when you are using Windows XP - that includes credit card numbers, personal emails, your Pokemon erotic fan fiction etc. This isn't illegal though; it's all laid out in the MS EULA which you agreed to, probably without reading it, thereby authorising them to invade your privacy.
I use Linux and my lights never flicker.


quote:Originally posted by Happy XP User:
I would live to find a program that can monitor and tell me the text of what has been sent OUT of my computer.  I am very suspicious of all those flashing lights when I am not touching the keyboard.

I have a broadband connection, supposedly with a firewall, but I know nothing about that or whether it is on and safe.  It is just "there" - apparently.  But why do the lights flicker so much.  Is someone, or M$ reading my hard drive?

I upgraded to a brand new 1600 AMD Athlon pc in May and am very happy.  As I live in France, the Op system XP came in French.  "Just buy the English upgrade" said the man.  Which I did.  But when I got it home the MS message refused to install it saying it could not install a different language on the old one.  It would not even let me try a re-format and new install.  After a while I found some codes in the registry relating to laguage, and by changing them to the codes for English, I tried an upgrade again.  This time MS did not notice the op system and upgrade were in different languages and proceeded to give me lots of FINAL WARNINGs, and danger signs before it would "re-format" my hard disk and everything would be lost.  I did not care.  Go for it I shouted as I smashed the format key.  And away it went.  It took ages to format the hard disk, but when it was done, up came the lovely Windows XP logo in English!  But guess what - I now have a dual boot option on start up English or French.  So the format was not a full FDISK format after all.  It merely renamed the French Windows to a new directory "Windows.0".  Since that date I have hardly had one problem.  The only real issue I had was installing the HP PSC950 printer where HP thoughtfully failed to supply an XP disk and offered no uninstall utility to get rid of the Windows 98 installation.  This took me weeks to work out.  But all is working like a dream for a family of four all with our own accounts and user names, e-mail and browser preferences.  

Apart from the well documented privacy issues (deleting browers files and websites does not remove them from the hard disk) I am extremely happy to have upgraded to Windows XP      
--- End quote ---

lolol    :D   Now that's ironic  or not ?   :confused:     :D

[ October 13, 2002: Message edited by: Panos ]

If you want to use a crappy OS without proper language support then fine, I don't need to do all that work. I use programs that want to support different languages.

And what are you talking about - you got copy of the OS in French then brought an english upgrade - talk sense you gibbering idiot - there is no for sale upgrade to XP - or are you talking about Office - In which case - more gibberish French is a supported language.

Your firewall is just there. What a dumb FUCKING IGNORANT CUNT. That is the XP 'firewall'. It is not a proper firewall (even M$ say this). It will not close off most of the ports to your computer, and will not tell you all the virri and trojans you pick up just because you are stupid enough to surf PORN SITES with IE.

Of course M$ can read your data (but then how would you know the difference between needed data and data being sent out unknowingly). And you want what - you want a text print out - what the fuck...are you on wouldn't understand a good answer to your question.

Ferme la bouche.

Are you XP Luser - or just another remnant from a night of bad Vindaloo.

[ October 13, 2002: Message edited by: pkd ]


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