All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

What data is being sent of my pc to M$?

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Having M$ cull data from my PC is very unsettling. I use (don't yell at me, I'm moving away) Quicken for my financial information and then I thought, the c***s at M$ probably know where that file is and even if they don't they would be able to find it and I am sure there is stuff in there they would like to get their hands on. I do not trust M$ one bit and I have no respect for them either. Bad enough their products are shit and full of holes but now they want to spy on us ? Kick them into touch.

I wondered how many flames I would get with the "Happy XP user" name.  This is a forum and I can say if I am happy and I respect the rights of others to be unhappy.  

No thanks to PKD for the rude, abusive and useless reply.  Thanks to Calum for a decent reply.  Thanks to the others who made thoughtful contributions.

In response to PKD - although such language really does not deserve a response - I bought a new pc with Windows XP in French pre-installed.  I then "up-graded" it with Windows XP in English.  I.e. exactly the same program and version.

PKD has been given a one star rating for his foul mouth and I urge others to do the same. Calum gets 5 stars.

The firewall I have is on a separate box - they call it the router or hub or modem for the broadband internet connection and there are several pcs plugged into it.

Back to my question: No one has really proven either way to me that data is or is not being sent out.  Just a lot of hearsay.  Has anyone ever tested or examined the data going out to see what is in there, or is there an ex M$ employee who can tell us?  What are all those flashing lights when I am inactive?  Is data leaving my pc?  If so where is it going? Can I see it on my screen with a spy?


quote:Originally posted by Happy XP User:
I would live to find a program that can monitor and tell me the text of what has been sent OUT of my computer.  I am very suspicious of all those flashing lights when I am not touching the keyboard.

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It's called "tcpdump". tcpdump is a packet sniffer. It comes with Linux. Another example of basic tools included with a free operating system that are not included with an expensive operating system. A nice graphical frontend for tcpdump is "ethereal". ethereal also comes with Linux. "KSnuffle" is another good one that comes with some distros but can be downloaded and installed in any of them.

Here is a screen shot of an Ethereal capture:


[ October 14, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]


quote:Happy XP User:
PKD has been given a one star rating for his foul mouth and I urge others to do the same. Calum gets 5 stars.
--- End quote ---
well thanks for the good comments, however i think you are being a bit harsh on pkd, but then you know it wasn't me he was being foul mouthed at so i can't really comment. Anyway, what i mean is that being foul mouthed is not in itself cause for complaint in my opinion, whereas being offensive is. After all, this site is the board!
quote:Back to my question: No one has really proven either way to me that data is or is not being sent out.
--- End quote ---
nor will they. the system i closed source. the only way to prove this is happening is to log incoming and outgoing stuff and then figure out what it all is. I am not sure how to even begin doing this, but anything void main says is sure to be of help in this matter.  
quote:Just a lot of hearsay. Has anyone ever tested or examined the data going out to see what is in there, or is there an ex M$ employee who can tell us? What are all those flashing lights when I am inactive? Is data leaving my pc? If so where is it going? Can I see it on my screen with a spy?

--- End quote ---
i am hesitant to say it, but maybe a question this specific should be posted on although they are not very good at answering specific questions of this nature to my knowledge, they do deal specifically with windows questions...

[ October 14, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

Anyone know a good packet sniffer for Winblows? Can you actually get the packets that are coming out of the computer you have the sniffer on?

It would be interesting to run something like this in a closed environment. And better, because there is less garbage network traffic.

Happy XP User: I'm glad you are happy with what you are using now, but have you tried a flavor of Linux? You might find that it's better and you like it, or you might hate it, and at least you can say you tried it. If you want to try Linux, we will all be glad to help you out  

[ October 14, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]


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