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What data is being sent of my pc to M$?

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quote:Originally posted by The_Muffin_Man/B0b:
Anyone know a good packet sniffer for Winblows? Can you actually get the packets that are coming out of the computer you have the sniffer on?

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I actually use a good one that runs on Windows. It's currently owned by NAI but used to be it's own company called Network General. Here's a link:

The one we have I believe runs us around $20,000 yearly.

Also Microsoft has their own version of a sniffer called "Network Monitor" but would you trust it if you are trying to sniff suspicious Microsoft activity? It's included in Server versions of their OS and with SMS.

Of course if you don't want to pay that much I believe there is a Windows version of Ethereal which is Free/free. See

You don't have to run it on the machine you are sniffing. You can run it on a different machine as long as the two are on the same non-switched network segment (plug both boxes into a hub, not a switch).

[ October 14, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

A quick 60 second scan found something interesting:
I'm IP scanning everyone on my netblock and reporting it to the first addy in my netblock. WTF?

HappyXPUser: During a Windows update where M$ claims that no info is being sent back to M$ (except maybe packet responses on HTTP), there are loads of TCP transmissions going on from my computer to M$.
Data sent from M$ to my computer is sent securely on SSL, but when I send data to M$, it's not secured.

Does that help?

Doctor V:
Happy WP user, want to switch your OSes language?  Its easy easy easy, no need for reboot.  Just Hold down Ctrl Alt and F2, then log in as root, enter
choose the language
killall X
done!, only took 20-30 seconds...
Oh wait, maybe this won't work for you.



quote: posted by flap:
..your Pokemon erotic fan fiction etc.
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You mean like this?


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