All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

What data is being sent of my pc to M$?

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I say 20 GB for Linux. I would only recommend 30 GB if you plan on spending more time in Linux than Windows. rating dropped in stars but went up in odd!    :confused:        :D  

I rated you Happy XP. You can figure out what I gave you. You are open minded and not stubborn...very good qualities in a person.

Back on topic: If you need help, we are here. No matter how much of the installation you get through you can get back to Windows to get help.

[ October 15, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]

Happy XP, welcome to the forum.  WinXP is what drove me to Linux.  I bought my daughter a WinXP computer when she got ready to leave for college this fall.  I installed TPF, a freeware Windows firewall.  The damned computer was dialing into every 20 minutes that she was online.  Ridiculous!  Obscene too.  Of course I set the firewall to deny dialouts to Microsoft.  I have no idea just what information was being sent, but seriously resent the fact that M$ felt that they had the right to use my (well, my daughter's) bandwidth to dial home... for whatever purposes.

In addition to that nonsense, WinXP was a hog.  Her computer had an Athlon XP 1.8 GHz processor and 256 MB of RAM and was slow as hell.  Even adding another 256 MB of RAM only made it acceptable.  Add to that the fact that the OS limits, or at least attempts to limit your ability to remove the OS or many of its components, and you have what is, to me at least a totally unacceptable excuse for an OS.

If you happen to be happy with WinXP, then good for you.  I've been working and playing with computers for a long time.  I used to be a real believer in Microsoft products for desktop computer applications until Win95, and continued to use it until WinXP.  I even have a Win98 computer in my house, one of 5 desktops, but am working very hard to get free of Windows totally.

Look hard at partitioning your HD and giving Linux a serious try.  It affords a lot of advantages and may well be a serious competitor to M$Windows in the near future for desktop purposes.

I'm sitting in fromt of an OLD P166 w/48MB of RAM, I have a AIM "window" open, am posting to and listening to a CD.  Linux works.  WIndows is broken.  Give it a fair shot and you may well find yourself changing your name to "Happy Linux User" or something similar.



quote:Originally posted by DOSman:
In addition to that nonsense, WinXP was a hog.  Her computer had an Athlon XP 1.8 GHz processor and 256 MB of RAM and was slow as hell.  Even adding another 256 MB of RAM only made it acceptable.  
--- End quote ---

Intriguing. My 900mhz, 512mb ram goes silky smooth. Over half of the Ram going unused right now.

happy xp user, i just thought... if ou are considering linux, i should tell you to go and have a read through the FAQ pages at which is a new site, wheresome of the regular posters here have contributed answers to many questions that people frequently ask.

Just thought of it, maybe i should get into the habit of letting new posters know about it!

"Microsoft windows is sending a report about the problem to Microsoft. This is done with sending all your money and credit card details." or something like that. Ever notice that if you get that message (or a similar one!) and you then click cancel, it sends some data anyway? (what is it? who knows, i can't find out as i will never be installing any Microsoft *** XP products on any computer i ever own!  :D  )


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