Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX

Linux 4 newbies

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i just thought i would mention that i thought mepis stank, not trying to pick a fight but somebody said it was great for a newbie, i think that's entirely incorrect. all i am saying is that taking recommendations is fine, but you will want to try some out before you make any serious decision, because it really is all a matter of opinion. if there isn't an answer now to "what's the best distro" then there never will be.
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i second,third and throw my mepis discs out the window that statement

--- Quote ---Whatever man, some Linux distros are actually much easier to administer than any Window$ piece of shit.
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they all are, thats where windows is the opposite of "paperclip-easy" its "completely fucking-piece-of-shit hard to administrate" given the os is a complete fucking piece of shit, i must admit, it fits

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Unless you're one of those Gentoo junkies...

HAHAHAHALOL!!!!!!111!!!111 My syst3m 1s .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000018 s3ks faster cuz 1 d0z t2h gentooz!!!!LOL!O!!!O!l!O!L!O
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--- Quote from: superken76 ---i'm a reformed winaholic i just switched to freespire and i'll not switch back if my life depends on it. ps.i've been reading posts here a long time
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Cool. Good to see OSes like Freespire which only seem to get critism around here making people happy, heh.

I've never heard of it. I've heard of Linspire though which does recieve a lot of criticism around here; is Freespire a community driven fork of it?

i dont know all the tech talk ,it is my understanding it is built off linspire with the additation of CNR wich helps newbies like myself in the loading process allthough in the future i would like to learn how to load programs correctly as i feel i'm missing out on alot of software . thanks again for these boards .           I've been clean for 4 days



--- Quote from: superken76 ---in the future i would like to learn how to load programs correctly as i feel i'm missing out on alot of software
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I concur, isntalling software on Linux isn't the most user friendly process.

What software would you like to install/update and we might be able to help you?


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