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Microsoft gains 4.7 percent in web server market
The April 2006 Survey from Netcraft reports there are now more than 80 million websites on the Internet. They received responses from 80,655,992 sites, an increase of 3.1 million hostnames from March 2006. The web has oubled in size in the past three years, as the survey hit the 40 million mark in April 2003.
Microsoft gained 4.7 percent market share this month, one of the largest one-month swings in the history of the webserver market. Apache on the other hand lost 5.9 percent.
This is due to "GoDaddy", explained in more detail here:
Damn GoDaddy to hell ... the bloody turncoats !!! :mad:
Actually, the fact that GoDaddy is now offering Windows hosting (in parallel to - not in lieu of - Linux hosting, I might add) is more a problem of supply and demand. That new users are demanding Windows servers (gasp, shock, horrors) is nothing short of amazing to me, but I suppose it was inevitable given the complete lack of an active Linux marketing movement. I mean, in a commercialist society, do you think the masses are going to buy the images of satisfaction, or the "niche nerd" solutions? The whole community really needs an image makeover.
There's also the fact that people will often choose Windows because it's a recognised brand name, they may have never even heard of Linux before.
--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---There's also the fact that people will often choose Windows because it's a recognised brand name, they may have never even heard of Linux before.
--- End quote ---
Or they might need an ASP.NET solution.
edit: I seriously doubt if brand recognition has anything to do with it. People who choose their hosting tend to be the people who will be administering the servers or doing the web development.
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