Miscellaneous > Intellectual Property & Law

RIAA Sues Computer less Family (Upgraded from Suing Women)

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Seems to be another low for the RIAA, suing whole families that don't have a computer.
A repeat of the women incident.

Shit, again?! You'd think that they'd have learnt after the last time.

Too bad they are able to convert an IP address into a home address.

Only on America.

Hmmm ... if they sue me and I toss my computer or make it disappear will it fly ?


--- Quote from: sledz41 ---Seems to be another low for the RIAA, suing whole families that don't have a computer.
A repeat of the women incident.
--- End quote ---

In the woman incident, she had a computer but never used it.  Her son used it, or something.

But the RIAA tops themselves again...no computer required at all!


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