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Firefox myths

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--- Quote from: ReggieMicheals ---http://www.webdevout.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=38
That's why. I see really that you are a spammer trying to rack up hits for your misinformed site by trolling about firefox, that is if Refalm or another Admin can check out your IP matches one of the ones at the topic over at Webdevout.
--- End quote ---
Right.... A fanboy who can't stand that I used his data to prove Firefox is not fully standards compliant starts some posts about me on his forum must mean that is true. Didn't you read my Fanboy section? Here are the true spammers:

Here is a list of known people or aliases who will Spam any discussion of this page:

No Spam Nanobot AKA David Hammond, Nanobe
No Spam MrFlibble AKA Basil Brush, FreewheelinFrank
No Spam TSThomas

Oh lets get back on track and discuss my page. Wait I just disproved ever point so obvious it is easier to personally attack me. Forget finding actual facts on anything.

The vast majority of so-called facts you present have been firmly pulled from your ass.

Well, really statistics don't mean much. But with experience of using many browsers I'd have to say that Firefox tops them all. IE is most certainly out of the question when considering browsers ... in fact I don't think it even qualifies as a browser ... reasons: it's very insecure, tons of popups, security holes, no standards compliance, not stable, and many other reasons (you need tons of external programs just to keep it alive and barely useful). Opera is alright, but limited, and not open-source, and has very bad java and javascript support. I don't see how anyone could argue for things that I have personally experieced and know that they suck huge ! I've used IE, it blows goats; I've use Window$, it blows goats; I've used Opera, it's ok; I've used Firefox, and it's the best. (And I've used Mac, and was not impressed; I've used Linux, and I really was impressed; I've used BSD, it could be better; I've used Solaris, looks nice, but no dvorak support that I can see)

Mastertech, do you honestly Google your name and spread your opinions wherever you may find it?  I guess that must mean we're the fanboys for not doing the same.  Actually, on second thought, being as I am both an alternative software pundit AND a male, I'll take that as a compliment.  Thanks! :)

Having said that, you blatantly abuse (A), the DMCA (you might consider READING the link you provide, and even track down a copy of section 1201); (B), truth in advertising, by failing to provide complete quotes; (C), trade libel laws, by bringing allegations against several third parties that you have no means of proving; and (D), general common courtesy, by acting as if every counterpoint to your arguments is either sheer idiocy or blatant untruth.

If I had a Comcast page, that is to say, if I were too cheap to pay $20 for a year of basic hosting, I'd be far less arrogant than you are now.  Beyond that, I have nothing to say to you, but I can certainly see where others might have problems with you.  If you haven't noticed, you're not posting to WinBBS, so tread lightly.


--- Quote from: Mastertech ---Right.... A fanboy who can't stand that I used his data to prove Firefox is not fully standards compliant starts some posts about me on his forum must mean that is true. Didn't you read my Fanboy section? Here are the true spammers:

Here is a list of known people or aliases who will Spam any discussion of this page:

No Spam Nanobot AKA David Hammond, Nanobe
No Spam MrFlibble AKA Basil Brush, FreewheelinFrank
No Spam TSThomas

Oh lets get back on track and discuss my page. Wait I just disproved ever point so obvious it is easier to personally attack me. Forget finding actual facts on anything.
--- End quote ---

It's kinda hard to believe any of that when you've been banned from fourteen different websites for the same problem.  What, do you want us to think that it's all just a big conspiracy against you by a bunch of Firefox users?  lol.  I bet many of them don't even use Firefox...I know I don't.

--- Quote from: ReggieMicheals --- that is if Refalm or another Admin can check out your IP matches one of the ones at the topic over at Webdevout.
--- End quote ---

Already been done.  They match.

Oh, by the way...

--- Quote from: Mastertech --- If people come off with a negative view about Firefox after reading my page than it is only because they believed one of the Myths.
--- End quote ---

Speaking for myself, that's not the case.  Allow me to explain (with paraphrasing to save reading time):

--- Quote from: Your site, paraphrased ---Myth: Firefox is 100% standards compliant.
Fact: Firefox has incomplete support for many web standards including HTMl, XHTML, CSS....
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: David Hammond's site, paraphrased ---Myth: Firefox is 100% standards compliant.
Fact: No web browser is 100% compliant, as the standards are extensive and take years to implement.  Some are better than others in certain places...here's how good a bunch of browsers fare...
--- End quote ---

From your page, one may come to think that there is some browser that has full support.  In fact, the only time you say anything contrary to that is when you're bashing David H. for apparently changing his page to make IE look worse (I don't know, I wasn't there.)


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