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Problems copying a Linux directory.
I want to upgrade to the latest Ubuntu but before I can do this I need to backup my home directory. Well the only part I care about is DOSEmu as it took fucking ages to set it up and get all the programs I use working so I'm attempting to copy it to a FAT32 patition. I tried first in Windows as I have an ext3 driver for Windows installed but it said I didn't have permission so I tried in Linux, first using Gnome then in Bash, here's what I got:
--- Code: ---
root@ubuntu:/mnt/dos # cp -r /home/alun/dosemu /mnt/dos
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/bin/join.exe': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/bin/command.com': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/bin/subst.exe': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/nansi/license.txt': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/attrib/copying': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/wcd/copying.txt': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/sys/copying': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/freecom/copying': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/kernel/copying': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/diskcomp/copying': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/diskcopy/copying': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/edit/copying': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/choice/copying': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/format/license.txt': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/exe2bin/exe2bin.txt': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/mem/license.txt': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/cpi/copying.txt': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/bwbasic/copying': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/lib/license.txt': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/assign/copying': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/move/copying': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/replace/license.txt': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/share/copying': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/swsubst/copying': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/tree/license.txt': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/deltree/copying': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/fasthelp/copying': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/vol/license.txt': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/more/copying': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/edlin/copying': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/xcopy/copying.txt': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/find/copying': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/doc/display/copying': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/dosemu/bootoff.com': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/dosemu/booton.com': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/dosemu/cmdline.com': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/dosemu/dosdbg.com': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/dosemu/ecpuoff.com': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/dosemu/ecpuon.com': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/dosemu/eject.com': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/dosemu/emumouse.com': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/dosemu/exitemu.com': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/dosemu/lredir.com': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/dosemu/speed.com': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/dosemu/system.com': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/dosemu/uchdir.com': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/dosemu/ugetcwd.com': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/dosemu/unix.com': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/dosemu/vgaoff.com': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/dosemu/vgaon.com': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/freedos/dosemu/xmode.com': Operation not permitted
cp: cannot create symbolic link `/mnt/dos/dosemu/xdosemu': Operation not permitted
--- End code ---
And yse I have tried this both as root and alun.
Is there many symlink in /home/alun/dosemu ?
/home/alun/dosemu/freedos/bin/join.exe is that a symlink?
EDIT: Because this might be because FAT32 doesn't support symlinks.
you know that's probably why ... I mean why else would you get errors only for the symlinks ... why not make a tgz out of it and then save it ? In fact if you're backing up anything you should archive it first ...
Shit FAT32 is a pile of crap!
I'll do as you say and archive it onto my FAT32 drive.
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