All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

Destroy Internet Explorer campaign gets tooled up

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--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---And all these!
--- End quote ---

Yet another site argument for a WikiMedia approach.

I don't see how this project would work quite as good if it also touted even just Opera. Google's partly to blame - they're giving the $1 for every user referred to FF, not to Opera.

Getting paid is the interesting thing.

And jesus, IE must fucking die.

My beef with IE isn't even it's insecurity or it's general shittyness - it's just the fucking disregard for web-standards. Not even the new web-standards, the old ones. The ones that all of FF, Opera, Konq, Safari support. XHTML being a big one.

Fuck it I agree, I'm adding your sig to mine.

Its open source software for Gods sake! You shouldn't be making money off it! However I personally think they shouldn't just  
promote firefox, I think Mozilla's ok, and so is Konquerer.  

If you ask me, I think they are just using firefox to get them money.


--- Quote from: 7031 ---Its open source software for Gods sake! You shouldn't be making money off it!
--- End quote ---

Say what?  Why not?  Perhaps in this case, it is just trickery/scammage, but there's no reason that open source software developers should never get paid.  In fact, if they can come up with an honest way to get paid and continue to keep the source open, then good for them.


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