Author Topic: Winternals ERD Commander as virtual OS  (Read 1721 times)


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Winternals ERD Commander as virtual OS
« on: 13 May 2006, 04:52 »
I got a 'copy' of the 2005 version of ERD from a friend who does service/support for the local school system. I also have VPC 6.01

VPC ERD XP as 'live cd' instead of 'install' is as fast on the web through my dialup modem as Panther. No bloat. The only thing I wish was that it came with IE instead of Firefox. There are web sites with streaming music that use Active X controls that I can only fake off successfully in Panther in Virtual Win98, which is too slow to play music.

If there was some way to overclock this eMac I have, virtual 98 might work. Ram isn't a problem, there just aren't enough cpu cycles at 1.25 GHz.


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Re: Winternals ERD Commander as virtual OS
« Reply #1 on: 13 May 2006, 17:44 »
Doesn't Firefox have an ActiveX plugin?
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