Why are you making fun of the GNU philosophy?
Because the whole "we hate propri€tary $oftwar€z" thing is plainly moronic, it doesn't help your cause, just because someone doesn't want to GPL their code it doesn't mean they have some evil agenda. I agree with many parts of the GNU philosophy, mosty with the freedom part and for me this includes the freedom to choose an open license like the GPL or BSD or to choose a proprietary licence when you release your work.
I also forgot to reinforce my previous point about some people prefering IE over FireFox and Opera, I think you should just leave them to it as it's their choice after all, just don't let them ask you for help if it goes down, you won't achieve anything by nagging these people apart from piss them off.
I don't get it... it's not like it's some 1337 script kiddie thing to believe.
I believe in free software, I just don't think it's always the best software, some of it's crap compared to the proprietary alternatives.
I've had more issues with Opera with plugins than in Firefox,
I've had issues with Firefox loosing my downloads when there's an interruption in the Internet connection or power supply and zooming in on pages containing pictures and Macromedia flash is ugly even with the picture zoom extension installed. I've not had to use any plugins with Opera as unlike Firefox it has all the features I need.
other than that Opera works fine and so does IE, as long as it's not by itself and has a registry guard running in the background.
To be honest, I haven't had any problems with Firefox apart from the downloads and zooming issues, oh and IE has these too, also I don't have registry guard because I don't need it.
In fact I notice very little difference... Konqueror3.2 and 3.5 is faster than any of them.
I agree Konqueror is great, it's probably the fastest browser out there apart from text mode browsers of course.
I take issue on the ideological end and I, like many others,
I myself am more objective, I look at what software fulfills my needs and then go and aquire it, sometimes free software meets my needs and often it doesn't so I'll use something non-free. I tend to look at the price, features and integration with other software (note open standards effect this) and I read reviews and search around the Internet for information, this is all before I look at the license.
see the failure of IE as a nice step in the direction of free and open standards.
You can have free and open standards without having free and open software you know, look at Adobe Acrobat, see how PDF is a free and open standard even though the software isn't? anyway I fail to see what this has to do with IE being shit. Hardare also can suffer from problems such as closed standards but I don't hear many people bitching about closed source hardware just software, which is pretty stupid in my opinion.
It makes me feel good inside, no need to rain on our parade, dude.
Now you're really sounding like a hippy man, cool dude, nah only joking.