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Javascript to help IE users browsing your site.

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--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---It would be bad if they (intentionally) told Opera users they should use Firefox, maybe.
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I hardly see it as bad... Opera is STILL proprietary and is just as bad, honestly. My opinion anyway.


--- Quote from: inane ---I hardly see it as bad... Opera is STILL proprietary and is just as bad, honestly.
--- End quote ---

Oh no let's not have people using propri€tary $oftwar€z.  :rolleyes:

Seriously it's got to be better than IE, it isn't distributed with an OS, it doesn't support ActiveX, it's free (as in beer) and it's more secure than both IE and Firefox - to this date no Opera vunerabilities have been found (I know they might exist and they're harder to find as it's closed source - all the better in my oppinion).

--- Quote from: inane ---My opinion anyway.
--- End quote ---

Of course you're entitled to it and I respect it too but many people prefer a more feature packed, less bloated browser than Firefox, for me and many other people who use this site Firefox simply isn't good enough.

Here's some news for you, some people actually choose to use IE, they don't like Firefox or Opera, they like IE, they might prefer it because it loads faster or because it displays almost all the pages on the net correctly, (apart from some Linux/Mac/FirefoxFanboy/anti-Microsoft sites which they don't view anyway), perhapps they like some extension or 3rd party software that requires IE, whatever thier reason the prefer IE. I think we should respect this, fair enough maybe some banners and links but it's bad to spam them with bs about how good Firefox is apart from the fact that some of these I've come across contain lies, it's pretty low to spam people and it'll just put them off your site.


--- Quote from: inane ---I hardly see it as bad... Opera is STILL proprietary and is just as bad, honestly. My opinion anyway.
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Well, yes, if you wanna alert Opera users that there's a pretty good free browser called Firefox, go ahead. I won't. Only browsers that don't render my page as it should, browsers that don't pay enough attention to web-standards, will be alerted.

I wouldn't say opera is "just as bad" as IE. IE is destroying the web.


--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---Only browsers that don't render my page as it should, browsers that don't pay enough attention to web-standards, will be alerted.
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I can see your point but it is possible to create a page that follows web-standards 100% and no browser displays it properly because no browser is 100% compliant.


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---I can see your point but it is possible to create a page that follows web-standards 100% and no browser displays it properly because no browser is 100% compliant.
--- End quote ---

Konqueror 3.5 can do the acid2 test fine, but no other browsers I know of can.


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