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Javascript to help IE users browsing your site.

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--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---It's noticibly faster on FF 1.5 than on Opera 9 on my machine. It's fast enough until you paint too much shit.
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I haven't tried it on Opera 9, only Firefox 1.5 and it was too slow but your machine is probably much faster than my miserable 1800MHz box.


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---I haven't tried it on Opera 9, only Firefox 1.5 and it was too slow but your machine is probably much faster than my miserable 1800MHz box.
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I've a 2600+.

Try this crappy version (no snap, no cursor (main reason I added the cursor was for snap anyhow)):

Even just resizing the window and drawing to a smaller area should be faster (on this machine, full screen, dragging a rectangle from the top left corner to the bottom right is slow).


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---
I found this article difficult to read he does bollock on a bit
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Where exactly does he "bollock on a bit" ?

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Like the economics of free software for example, he's obviosly thinking about operating systems and servers where the author can easilly make a profit on selling their services. However this doesn't transfer to other areas like computer games, (no one's going to play each level over and over until it's bug free) this is why open source software hasn't done very well in this area. I think free software is great but it isn't suitable for all business models, it depends on the type of software you're selling and the market you're aiming it at, saying there's only one way to do things is a very bad thing.
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Well if you agree that for MOST software the developers could produce an income without being pissed off when I copy their software (game) for a friend, then that's a step up.

RE: game developers. If a revamp of copyright meant people can copy anything they want, always, - gamers would still need good games as much as they always have.  If the developers need money, then someone will have to GIVE it to them. The gamers. If the gamers want good games, they gotta donate to the developers. Otherwise they just probably won't get them.

Same goes for movies and everything else.

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What about pattents?

We all bitch about software pattents but no one ever bitches about hardware pattents. From Stallman's point of view if you copy someone's invention and then start manufacturering it yourself you shouldn't be hurting them (I don't agree with this).
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IMO, if someone depends on an IDEA they had, maybe ten years ago, for income, that's just not good enough. If you have a brilliant idea, say you find a method to produce free energy, I don't think anyone should be obliged to give you money to use it. Anyone should be able to use that method all they want - people in poverty in Africa, should be allowd to use it to dig holes for wells etc.

A friend of mine had a cool idea to put breathilizers in cars, so if you're over the alcolol limit it won't let you drive. To think the law would allow him to become the "owner" of it for so long and only him and other people he decides on can use it to save a few lifes - bullshit.

One thing I do like about patents is that all the copy-protection SHIT is being patented, and thus noone can use this SHIT without paying/asking/whatever.

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As far as I'm concerned pirating software is bad but it's not as bad as the companies say. Stealing software is like sneeking onto a bus or train or into a cinima or concert without paying or even watching cable TV with an illegal decoder, you're taking away their business.
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There are people that can't AFFORD to pay into a cinema (cinema's are a complete rip-off IMO, at least here they are).

If only you could install Konqueror without KDE :(

Am I wicked for seeing Javascript to help IE users browsing your site. and immediately thinking "someone's made a drive-by-downloader that installs Firefox"? :D


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