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--- Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H ---If only you could install Konqueror without KDE :(
--- End quote ---

Why not just install KDE?

KDE > * ;)

KDE is not my favorite window manager ... I find it slow, illogically laid out, and slow to start ... the programs made for it are often pretty nice though

So why not run KDE programs in XFCE if you feel that way?

Yeah, that's pretty much the only thing I can do, but you still need kde base. They should make a self-contained version, maybe then it could stand a chance of competing with FF and Opera. Or is that not what they want ?


--- Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H ---Yeah, that's pretty much the only thing I can do, but you still need kde base. They should make a self-contained version, maybe then it could stand a chance of competing with FF and Opera. Or is that not what they want ?
--- End quote ---
I don't think it has much of a chance against FF or Opera unless someone divises a genius plan to make it run on Windows and Mac OS X etc.

Web-browser that are tied to one enviornment (Konq, Safari) SUCK. There might be a market for a free (as in freedom), portable, decent web-browser built around KHTML and not using the unportable (AFAIK) KDE libs.

It would be cooler actually if the KDE guys decided to make the libs portable - like GTK+, glib and some of the GNOME stuff.


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