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giving bill administrator rights

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I know that the latest version of media player gives msoft the right to do stuff I don't want done.  I've heard that there is another "upgrade" at the windows upgrade site that also does this, but I can't determine whether this is true or not. Any of you know anything?

Our system administrator wants us to apply an upgrade from

He says this blocks hackers, but I'd rather have the hacker invading my system than ms.  Is this upgrade safe, or does it give ms admin rights?

Any help appreciated -- either here or at [email protected].


Ray DeGennaro

Trust me, Microsoft is already spying on you... if your using Windows XP, I recommend applying this programme:

And for the Administrator account in Windows NT/2000/XP, it stays that way...

More information on Microsoft's Really Hidden files:

here is a question then, if bill has admin rights on your machine, if something should happen then shouldnt he be held accountable?

Read the EULA.  Read all of the MS EULA's very carefully, to see if they pull some kind of crap.

For example

1)  You agree to let them upload and install patches/DRM automatically to your computer.

2)  You agree to give up your rights to publish benchmarks of .net

3)  You agree not to use the product to produce a document which criticizes MS

If you don't like the EULA, there are alternatives.  Use Mozilla instead of MSIE,Winamp/oggvorbisplayer/realplayer/etc instead of WMP....

Or just use Linux/BSD/MacOSX etc instead of Windows.  

Doctor V:

quote:Originally posted by M. O'Brien:
Read the EULA.  Read all of the MS EULA's very carefully, to see if they pull some kind of crap.

--- End quote ---

Them EULA's are so long and confusing, nobody, including me wants to read them.  It takes less time to install Linux than it does to get through one of them EULA's thoroughly(however its spelled).  Takes easily less than an hour to be ready to go, starting from scratch(depending on distro).  Only one type of licence there, GPL.  Read through that, and it covers most of your applications already.  Its alot less restrictive.  No giving admin rights to anyone   :D  .  Hard to believe the kinda low-down dirty Nazi-like junk in those M$ EULAs.



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