All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
giving bill administrator rights
"You may install, use, access,
display and run one copy of the Product on a single
computer, such as a workstation, terminal or other device
("Workstation Computer"). The Product may not be used
by more than two (2) processors at any one time on any
single Workstation Computer."
-EULA for XP Professional.
you aren't allowed more than 2 processors? And if I did would they take me to court?
No, I doubt they take you to court, yet. What M$ is implementing in the business world will be the model and test case.
Their eventual plan is probably along this line. The program reports to M$ headquarters, if it reports running on more than one machine or being installed more than once. The billing office at M$ sends you an invoice for the additional copies you should have bought. I'm sure they will charge your credit card or bank account if they can.
wrong again; since they no longer know how many machines you are running the "_"product"_" on, you have to buy new packages for each machine.... allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. at least that's how i figure they would do it.
but what if, which I never would, i wanted to install windows xp pro on an 8 proc machine? would it simply fail to work, or would it just be "wrong" and illegal?
Well, if you were to install Win2k on, lets five different computers and one of those installations failed after and had to be reinstalled. You are correct, M$ does not know how many installations but, when each computer hits the Internet it will phone home and report that it has been installed. The machine that needed the reinstall may be reported as two installations. Remember, Windows is designed to grind to a halt unless you get those updates from the M$ site.
After Uncle Bill's folks gather up all that information they need only charge you for five copies of Win2k. Provided you have registered the software to cover the first installation.
If M$ is kind enough to set up a system where you pay them yearly for software licenses (or monthly?). Then it could be set up through the bank for auto payment, just like the electric company or phone company.
That way when your computer crashes and you have to reinstall Windows or when you go to the M$ site and download all the patches needed to keep it from crashing. At the end of the month M$ will just take what they think you owe them for the privilege.
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