Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX

How can I do this- or can it be done?


2 part question of sorts.
With X, can you somehow set it so a command is performed automatically whenever the desktop resolution is changed? For example, could you set to run 'nvidia-settings --load-config-only'?

The other this is, can you remove/cancel/block certain resolutions and their refresh rates while keeping those refresh rates for other resolutions? For example, to remove all versions of 640x480 except @60, while keeping all the others that go higher?


--- Quote from: GenuineAdvantage ---2 part question of sorts.
With X, can you somehow set it so a command is performed automatically whenever the desktop resolution is changed? For example, could you set to run 'nvidia-settings --load-config-only'?
--- End quote ---
I'm not really the best guy to ask, but you could get that done using e.g. FAM (if you don't like/have FAM then there's a Linux-only way to do it with inotify) on the xorg.conf. That'd involve quite a bit of effort though...

Thanks for the reply. I think I've tried stuff like this before with script services, but it seemed to just suck up resources just for that one thing, and it didn't work either. But of course I didn't know perfectly what I was doing. I thought as much that it would take some work, so I guess I'll be looking into it sometime.


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