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List CD write speeds or burning a CD properly
I found it, now I know how to burn a CD properly (I found it earlier, but today I got a chance to test it burning FreeSBIE), I used the ps command to find out how nautilus cd burner did it and used it myself.
--- Code: --- cdrecord fs=16m speed=4 dev=/dev/hdd -dao driveropts=burnfree -v -data -nopad /path/file.iso
--- End code ---
I wonder which one of the extra options did it, I don't see why there have to be so many just to burn a CD properly ... growisofs work great for DVDs with much simpler options
Interesting to see that others have had this problem too. In FreeBSD, the cdrecord/mkisofs/etc have had problems in the past detecting the proper speeds of my DVD burner. I had to pass command line arguments to mkisofs via k3b's advanced settings to get burning to work properly.
Like linux, in FreeBSD ATAPI > SCSI emulation is required to burn CD's, only it's looks like it's much simpler to get working. You just load the 'cam' kernel module and go.
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