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ive hacked the win xp kernel

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xploser, i am hurt.... no snazzy comeback?

lazygamer: is that why programs and Windows itself crashes?
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It's like one of those things where only the truly loyal are accepted. The theory is that the kernel is an extemely advanced semi-psionic AI. It reacts to most who use it in varying degrees of resistance. Those who learn it's way's and serve it loyally are said to be capable of reaching a higher state of mind.

No anti-ms or even neutralic person has ever found the answer or experinced this "higher state".

The h4x0r scholars have said various theories about this. Perhaps people like XP loo-sah and MacHater(and other dummies) have accessed this higher state. When in it, everything they say is true, XP ownz Linux, Mac etc, perhaps because the kernel accepts their loyalty and devotion. Yet how is it that some Wind0ze fanboys can become linked, yet others don't and STILL think XP is great? Perhaps you must be of a very particular type of mind and personality...

wait... so you're saying they're not really morons then?????

 :D   :D   :D   :D   :D   :D   :D   :D


quote:Originally posted by Calum:
wait... so you're saying they're not really morons then?????

    :D         :D         :D         :D         :D         :D         :D         :D    
--- End quote ---

no, he is just saying they are also mindless cattle, following bill's reassuring, hypnotic bell like pavlov and his dogs, salivating over nothing.

really i think there is something subliminal in xp... people say it is faster and reliable...

well i say shove it up the security hole in your media player


[ June 28, 2002: Message edited by: sporkme / bob ]

Master of Reality:
Of course Xp is filled with subliminal messages and subconscious suggestions. Bill wouldnt have missed out on that.


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