All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

ive hacked the win xp kernel

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Well imagine being an intellectual who is at the same time narrow minded and brainwashed over certain issues in the realworld. Perhaps some of these XP users are that way, having chosen to follow the Kernel they have sacrificed their intellectuality(well to us they have). Whereas people like XPee #64569565534 user are just dumbasses who have nothing to offer the Kernel. So it's no sacrifice to follow it, perhaps the Kernel hallucinates people like him, and morphs into it's true Linux raping form for the "chosen".

That is my XP theory.  

Oh and I repeat XP #un1337 YOU ARE NOT A CHOSEN, so don't even fucking try it.  :D

Note:A h4x0r scholar theory is that the chosen don't do a whole lot of XP advertising, at least not in places like They're still intellectuals(sort of), only a moron would preach Microsoft stuff in the anti-MS rebel headquarters.  

he reminds me of those johoves witness's or mormons. people who aren't from the U.S. probably don't know what im talking about. those basterd come over your house and try to convert you to there "religion".

god i has the jhovas witneses....


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