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Symantec Sues Microsoft, May Delay Vista

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--- Quote from: 7031 ---Of course, by then, :tux:Linux:tux: and :macos:Mac os:macos: will probably have mind reading.
--- End quote ---

Hopefully, you mean the good kind of mind reading, where the computer interacts with you telepathically to produce creative works of extraordinary genius, and not the bad kind of mind reading, where the computer looks into your brain and steals your credit card number to pay for antivirus software updates.


--- Quote from: worker201 ---Hopefully, you mean the good kind of mind reading, where the computer interacts with you telepathically to produce creative works of extraordinary genius, and not the bad kind of mind reading, where the computer looks into your brain and steals your credit card number to pay for antivirus software updates.
--- End quote ---

Well of course, Windows will steal your credit card number for ubdates and such, but with the alternatives, they would all use it for typing without a keyboard etc.


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