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want to switch but what

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--- Quote from: Lead Head ---But windows eats 1GB of it up, and you only have 3GB of ram you can use
--- End quote ---

1GB? Not even Vista uses that much, you must have some shitware running in the background.


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---1GB? Not even Vista uses that much
--- End quote ---
You made that point already and he answered:

--- Quote ---I mean you only have 3GB useable, Like windows just makes that extra gig of ram vanish.
--- End quote ---

Lead Head:

--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---1GB? Not even Vista uses that much, you must have some shitware running in the background.
--- End quote ---

unless you have Physical Address Extension installed, Windows will only see 3GB of the 4

Reminds me - my brother-in-law works for Dell, and they just came out with a computer that has 64GB RAM.  64GB!!!!!!!!!!!!  Apparently, oil companies are buying them like mad, in order to run their modeling programs.


--- Quote from: worker201 ---Reminds me - my brother-in-law works for Dell, and they just came out with a computer that has 64GB RAM.  64GB!!!!!!!!!!!!
--- End quote ---
Kinda kicks home the fact that Vista is just around the corner :D

Did some googling and found the page for the beast:

--- Quote ---To utilize more than 4GB of memory requires a 64-bit OS. To expand memory to more than 32GB requires a Dell Precision 690 1KW system with memory risers.
--- End quote ---

64GB, insane... The 2TB of storage isn't increadible, but the RAM...
16GB RAM costs over $10,000 for 4 dimms, whoa.

I don't wanna give away any hints, but this would look well in my bedroom - and it's my birthday tomorrow ;)


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