If you really think about it, Microsoft has devoted billions and billions of dollars into making sure that once someone tries Windows, they have to stick with Windows. Imagine instead if they had devoted billions into making their system work really well. Regardless of what you may have heard, nobody hates Microsoft because they make the best products. IF Microsoft made something that was insanely greater than anything else, it would be successful without all their backstabbing and FUD and attorney wars.
I think that the overnight loss of Microsoft and the sudden disappearance of all their products would be a great boost for the world economy. Suddenly, every member of this forum would be a highly trained computer professional, making shitloads of money helping their friends, neighbors, and any other willing clients set up computer systems. Punk teenagers around the globe would be buying Porsches and lakeside condos with all the money they made writing simple bash scripts for accounting firms. It would be a good life for awhile.