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Imagining a day without Microsoft

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I came across an interesting article at , direct link:
Usually people are keen to hate Microsoft but this individual has another view, apparently everyone would be in disarray if Microsoft were to disappear tomorrow :)
Wanted to know what eveyone here thinks about that
- Jiggy

The article is filled with bullshit.

--- Quote ---“Initially, panic in the streets,” says Tony Meadow, president of Bear River Associates, an ISV focusing on mobile applications. “[Microsoft] didn’t establish [its standards] in a nice sort of way, but they are the basis for a lot of things that we use and do with computers.”

Today you can send a Word document to anybody in the world and expect them to be able to open it. According to Meadow, it takes forever for people to agree to these kinds of standards.

Josh Greenbaum, principal at Enterprise Applications Consulting, says, “Downloads for [StarOffice] would bring the Internet to a screeching halt.”
--- End quote ---

Panic! Riots! The end of the world! You know have to open your .doc files in OpenOffice instead of Office, which displays it the same way. Never mind that, everything would come to a screeching halt if Microsoft Office disappeared. :rolleyes:

--- Quote ---“Heterogeneity is a powerful positive,” says John Pescattore, vice president for Internet security at Gartner.

We would also find out how bad the Linux and Apple vendors are at providing patches, compared to what [customers] got used to from Microsoft,” Pescattore says, adding that Microsoft is much better than Apple and Linux at delivering security patches. “If you keep getting into car accidents, you know how to fix dents.”
--- End quote ---

Yes, providing patches once a month and letting security flaws just lay there for months, is a great way to provide consumers with updates (not).

Linux is way better at updates, because it most package managers actually updates the operating system and most applications installed, which Windows doesn't.

The author has exagerated greatly lol!

But a world without Microsoft!!!... Where would technology be today?


--- Quote from: Jiggy ---The author has exagerated greatly lol!

But a world without Microsoft!!!... Where would technology be today?
--- End quote ---

Probably better. The world would better off without Microsoft.

I think Apple and/or DR-DOS would be the main desktop and everything on the server side would be UNIX.

I woudn't like DR-DOS, it's more insecure than Windows and there's no GUI and OS/2 isn't any better than Windows as far as security is concerned. Old desktop OSs are often insecure because it wasn't an issue back then as they weren't networked in anyway.

I agree in part, if MS were to disappear tomorrow there'd be problems at then things would get better - more so than they are now.


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