All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

Imagining a day without Microsoft

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I think those guy that wrote that article are being paid or something to say such bad things about open-source software and Apple. I think it would be more like people celebrating in the streets if Microsoft dissapears. Most programs run pretty well with Wine on Linux or Darwine on Intel Macs. Open Office and other alternatives have no trouble with Microsoft office files.

Most people can't tell the difference between Windows and any other OS. As long as the OS is easy enough to use, they'll be fine. It's only really the computer geeks who are going to care, and still, they would have no trouble learning how to use a new OS. Didn't take me long to learn to use Linux and it wasn't any harder to learn to use Mac OS.

I actually think that computers would be much more advanced if Microsoft didn't exist and I think it's Microsoft holding Linux and Mac OS back by making their Operating Systems too basic and Apple and Linux staying with the same out of date style for 'ease of use'. I think Apple has taken this one step further as Mac OS is pretty advanced anyway but I think Linux would blow it away.

Overall, I think that whoever made that article is totally biased and has probably never used any other OS. It's morons like them who shouldn't have computers.


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