well, this idea did come up a couple of years ago, and it resulted in a few people from this site, myself included, trying to set up websites, forums etc etc, thought about doing live CDs, made nice friendly logos and all that crap under the umbrella name of the openopen project. peter and panos actually set up websites to try and promote the good software so newbies could cut through the crap, and the idea was we would provide like a sort of easy help environment too, but it hasn't really worked out that way. peter's site here:
http://openopen.org/ has apparently ground to a halt many moons ago, and panos' site here:
http://support-freesoftware.org/ is currently undergoing immense overhauls now that panos is back in the land of the living again. incidentally, he does need some users (well, regular site visitors), and eventually i think he will be looking to hand off the admin tasks to users who he trusts because he is short of time, which is the main reason for all this not getting it together in the first place.
well, i think i rambled along off topic pretty well there, but what i am saying is, this exact topic about how we should all get together and actually do something like this did come up before, and those were the results.