All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Windows XP enables you to fly?

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Master of Reality:

quote:Originally posted by Calum:
hey, check out

Apparently the Super Megason IV enables you to fly too!
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thats fucking amazing!!! I'm going to go out and buy myself a Super MEgason IV right after i throw away this now useless Playstation!!!


quote:Windows XP User #5225982375: It may not let you fly, but using Windows XP liberates your mind and lets you soar to new and exiting heights.
--- End quote ---

Yes, like the excitement of getting the wrong drivers for your hardware, installing GTa 2 and finding out the game doesn't work (works fine with WineX on Linux   ).

Do you live in Nijmegen "Gates Drone #5225982375"? Because I have the strong feeling that you are someone I know...

yeah and redbull gives u wings....


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