Operating Systems > macOS
I've got a Mac!
This might be of some help to you in at least getting Basilisk going on your PC and possibly putting the files on floppies from there.
no use. i got as far as installing BasiliskII and also getting the ROM image from my mac, however the mac i have is too old (it does say that black and white macs are not supported), since the ROM image from this machine is not 512 or 1024 K in size!
so back to square one again, unless somebody wants to illegally email me a macintosh ROM image from a slightly newer machine (a powerPC has to be by the look of it), except that's highly illegal, and you know what apple are like. nevermind the fact i would only use it once to get the files off!
oh well...
edit: hold your horses, i'm not out of ideas yet...
Just Google for one; there's tons out there.
Try this:
1. Get 19 floppies. (Yeah, I know...but they are cheap.)
2. Copy each file to each disk.
3. Open the first, right from the disk. Perhaps then it'll ask for more disks?
By the way, the output of the 19-disk set is NOT disk images - it's just the install folder (I've done it myself). That's why I think this method could work. (I didn't have to do it that way, though, so I'm not sure.)
EDIT: Didn't see the second page. You can't use a PowerPC ROM image. I have a 68030 Performa image lying around somewhere if you can't find anything yourself.
your instructions don't work, unfortunately, i've already tried the thing with doing the disks part by part on floppies and it simply complains that the other parts aren't there, and i don't have space on my mac hard drive to stick them all on at once (not to mention i still don't know how to actually copy things from the floppy to the hard drive!)
i did get basilisk II working despite most of the instructions on the internet being for ms windows, except one gem of a page which i think was linked to earlier in this thread. nonetheless, i still cannot see a Unix drive in BasiliskII and a bit of frustrated searching turned up a thing which has to be used if i want to get this. now it's a file system manager however the linux CLI only version of stuffit (using command unstuff) doesn't work! it exits abnormally each time i try to unpack this thing. so now i will reluctantly have to boot to ms windows, install stuffit trial for windows and unpack my FSM there, then come back to linux and use it in some way to enable BasiliskII to see my $HOME! (phew!)
wish me luck! it is a right pain in the arse that so many things are in these mac only formats and that there are no working tools to manipulate them on other architectures! you would think that stuffit would be easily available and working in all unices, since macOSX is a *ix, especially since the buggers don't give you a GUI, and that's the only real difference as far as i can see, when it comes to writing for darwin compared with BSD/linux etc (not that i am any sort of programmer you understand)
thanks all for your help, i will check back in once i have tried these steps to get BasiliskII to see my home directory.
Come to think of it, i might still be scunnered there... if the 19 files i downloaded do not contain disk images, and i do successfully decompress them in BasiliskII, and they end up to be a big directory of stuff instead, then i am still stuck since they will then be on this computer, not the mac! so what to do?
disk images for the install floppies is what i really need. all the tutorials assume i want to install macOS 7.5 on BasiliskII - i haven't yet seen one about getting the damn thing off and onto a real mac! how can this possibly be so difficult? why doesn't apple just make the thing available as disk images like anybody sensible would?
by the way thank you everyone for your answers, you've all put thought into your replies and i appreciate it.
edit: these guys don't know the answer either by the looks of it
another edit: aha! i think i *may* have a solution. i haven't tried it yet but *please* tell me if anybody thinks this is the wrong way to go about it, because i don't want to leave the mac totally useless.
well, i will boot from a mac os 7.0 bootdisk that i have, then WIPE the contents of the hard drive (using HD SC setup from the boot floppy) - now i will have 22MB or so free! then i will copy all the parts of the 19 files to the mac using floppies THEN i will try to open them, still using the system i booted from from the floppy, and hopefully this will work. if it doesn't then i am left with a mac with no system, and a full hard drive of useless crap! that's the only snag...
i have just used the boot floppy to repair errors (some of which were found) and to verify the integrity of the hard drive.
actually, do you think it would be a good idea to just use the three update files to try and upgrade to 7.5.5 (bearing in mind it has 7.5.3 on right now, but in a dodgy state. one thing i wouldn't mind trying is to replace the system folder (still no idea how one renames things on this mac either! i really have to look up some sort of cheat sheet or something! (small edit: here's one: http://www.olemiss.edu/online/mac_basics.html so i'm sorted for that now)) with the much smaller one on the 7.0 bootdisk and then run the 3 update disks, or will this be catastrophic too?
so many unknowns! it's a bit like the twilight zone!
yet another edit: actually, if i am running a system from the bootdisk, is it possible to take the bootdisk out so i can use the floppy drive? or do i have to leave the bootdisk in there, thus meaning that i can't get anything else onto the machine until i boot from the hard drive again?
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