All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

"Genuine Advantage" phones home

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Found this at slashdot.

Yahoo News Article

--- Quote ---
SEATTLE - Microsoft Corp. acknowledged Wednesday that it needs to better inform users that its tool for determining whether a computer is running a pirated copy of Windows also quietly checks in daily with the software maker.

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Hmm... does this make "Genuine Advantage" spyware?


when has Microsuckt ever strayed from being a beacon of ethical sense? When??
 I'd really like to know! :P

Funny how you never hear about linux, BSD, or even MacOS returning huge volumes of information back to headquarters.

I wonder what exactly they get from this?  I fantasize that they are passing all the data they collect on to the NSA, who uses it to spy on the innocent, and that one of these days a couple men in black will batter down my apartment door, looking for the pr0n stash.  But it's probably just user habits and other such bullshit - marketing data.

Sometimes I'm more afraid of the marketers than I am the government spying, but in either case it's still abuse.

I remember near the end of 01 reading about XP and how much "big brother" it was going to be. We sure get desensitized easily.


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