All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

"Genuine Advantage" phones home

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It's funny how MS's update cycle works. It's been more than two weeks since an old laptop that I was running a VLK copy of XP pro on got the update and started telling me I may be a "victim" of software piracy. Today, my new laptop with a licensed copy of XP Home on had a balloon pop up saying that updates are ready. Sure enough, it was the stupid Genuine Advantage "beta". I told it not to download and clicked the box saying to never tell me about that update again, which in Microsoft-speak means "remind me every two weeks until I either download the update or switch platforms to get away from it".


--- Quote from: RaZoR1394 ---I don't find the information it sends worst but the fact that you can't remove the crap. I'm specially thinking of those
 who have bought Windows legally and are having problems with the tool.
--- End quote ---

It got installed on my mums winshite box (Thankyou winshite update :fu: ), anyway its easy to remove, it just takes deleting part of your registry tree, the booting in safe mode to delete wgatray.exe :P

they should include that program as a virus in the next badge of virus definitions !


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