All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Vista public BETA released

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my computer's motherboard can only address 768MB of RAM! oh well, looks like i am obsolete. too bad! i suppose i will just have to content myself with running the latest versions of fedora linux with no hardware issues whatsoever for the foreseeable future.

I agree Windows has been slowly improving but it's also growing rapidly. I'm sure I could tweak Vista so it uses a lot less memory by removing half the pointless shit but I don't see why I should bother. Nowadays the default configreation for most Linux distros are about as bloated as XP but there again XP was released 5 years ago so this is pretty stupid.

ARE YOU KIDDING the minimum requirments are a pentium 3 at 800mhz or a AMD athlon at 800mhz that is BS.
My computer is a pentium 4 at 2.2ghz and vista makes it lag around like crazy. I can't even play halo on vista because it wont load the menu.

--- Quote ---It is very "pretty", The way window's minimize seems to be borrowed from OSX, they like "bounce" around when you minimize them
--- End quote ---

Microsoft has been stealing from Apple from the beginning when they introduced Windows 95.
The search at the top right of every window is stolen from mac.
transparent windows are barrowed from mac.
the bounceing and stuff when minimize/maximize is stolen from mac.
the logo for the menu is stolen from mac.
The only real difference between vista and Mac is Mac OS X can run on a 350mhz cpu and still have room to run msn itunes and photoshop all at the same time. Vista can't even run on a pentium 4 at 2.2ghz correctly.

The fastest thing I got out of this damn vista is downloading it in 30 mins.


--- Quote from: Xeniczone ---Microsoft has been stealing from Apple from the beginning when they introduced Windows 95.
--- End quote ---

Microsoft actually bought some code of them to use in Windows 3.0, I believe they aquired Paint Brush and Truetype fonts from Apple, I don't know about Windows 95+ though.

My point wasn't to say theu would get it right sooner than later...although admittedly it does seem that way. What I should have been more specific about is that it's a BETA. I imagine, since they (MS) are all ready posting stats for system requirements, that would mean they have firmly decided they do not intend to make it compatible for a more broad range of computers, regardless of what hardware is in them. This gets back to the old MES arguements about forced hardware upgrades by MS., just to keep up with thier newest release.

Also, if you've ever read Billy's book, you know this is headed exactly the way he wanted it too. As far as computing power and availability goes anyway.

Bottom line though seems to be the same. They have again created an OS which makes you as the user and customer, totaly dependant on MS for security, upgrades and stability. Regardless of the 3-5 hundred dolloars you all ready gave them, you will still be required to purchase third party programs and office suites and bla bla bla.


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