Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX

Error compiling kernel 2.6.16

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I found that when I was fuckering up my suse distro with all the extras to put on, a kernel recompile fixed a lot of what I was fuckin up. I even got step by step help from Voidmain. I bet worker201 remembers that! I had fuckered Suse up so much, I actually had to reinstall it...Void was impressed, he said he had never seen that before! Worker201 couldn't  believe it either..


--- Quote from: cymon ---Mainly because I'd like to know how to do it.  Unless you'd like me to go back to Windows?
--- End quote ---

That's respectable ... but don't be too flustered if it don't work. You'll probably need someone to take you through step by step like pofnlice :)

I don't quite see what this has to do with Window$ ... I never compiled my kernel ... nor would I want to ... it's a pain in the ass

Building a kernel is a really good thing to do even just for the experience.  

The first thing i'd suggest is to build a kernel  from the stock kernel sources that come with the distro.   Then you can make sure you have all the dependencies and the method right.  Just get it, and the modules, built.... you don't have to use it.

Then try the latest kernel.org sources.

Also, make sure to check the readme from kernel.org.  They sometimes require you to update parts of your system before it will build.

By the way, 2.6.17 came out today :)

A quick Google search suggests that your glibc is not up to date:

I can see how this might be a problem.  Fortunately, once things work properly, building a kernel is really not that hard.  I learned how to do it from Slackware:

Should be similar on your system.


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